Author: ProtonSiteAdmin

Proton Data is the world's leading manufacturer of data security products

New NSA Listed Crushers

New NSA Listed Crushers

After secure degaussing, crushing is an excellent method of physically destroying a hard drive, rendering its data irrecoverable. The PDS-75, PDS-100 & PDS-125 crushers bend hard drives 90 degrees, which destroys the internal components and platter. These machines are so effective that they have recently been added into the Evaluated Products List (EPL) for high […]

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Wand Degaussers: Are They the Real Deal?

Wand Degaussers: Are They the Real Deal?

Ages ago, the only degaussers on the market were industrial, expensive pulse degaussers. Wand degaussers (paddle degaussers) were introduced after that as a simple, hand-held option for magnetic media sanitization. Today, the market is still dominated by hi-tech pulse degaussers. The Proton T-4 degausser is one of those models that relies on electricity to quickly […]

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