The importance of a data retention and deletion officer

Data retention officers can police internal policy, determining which data should be kept and which… Read More

Considering data sanitization as edge computing rises

Proper hard disk destruction and solid state drive shredding may not come across as a… Read More

Understanding how to securely sanitize hybrid and SSD drives

While hybrid drives improve upon HDD and SSD limitations, they can present a problem for… Read More

Beginning 2018 with proper data sanitization

With data more valuable than ever in 2018, it is best to decommission devices thoroughly.  Read More

GDPR increases importance of documentation when it comes to data destruction

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation is shaking up the global IT world. Read More

How growing automation and new IoT devices are creating challenges for data destruction

IoT-enabled devices are spreading and wearable technology is allowing people to store even more data… Read More

Does an operating system affect data destruction?

Companies must know how to properly sanitize data used by each operating system.  Read More

Advice for implementing a data destruction policy

Every company - regardless of size or industry - houses data and needs a thorough… Read More

How HIPAA handles the data destruction of PHI

Protected health information has a set of unique rules to ensure its confidentiality. Read More

Why Hard Disk Destruction Can Be Therapeutic For Employees

Hard disk drive destruction can be both a means of data protection and employee satisfaction. Read More